Theta Technologies non-destructive testing specialists for additive manufacturing.

Experience the Advanced NDT solution for Additive Manufacturing

Delivering you a unique NDT solution offering significant time and cost savings for the detection of flaws in performance AM components.

Theta Technologies:

Non-Destructive Testing for Additive Manufacturing

Our patented nonlinear resonance NDT technology is the only practical solution for complex 3D-printed metals produced at scale. Pioneering flaw detection with unmatched speed and accuracy, RD1-TT is indispensable for critical applications. Nonlinear resonance NDT plays a vital role in the practical implementation of Industry 4.0 by enabling smarter engineering to reduce material waste and empowering increasing design innovation.

Introducing RD1-TT

The World’s Only

Nonlinear Resonance NDT Solution

Looking for the perfect NDT solution for additive manufacturing? Theta Technologies’ RD1-TT is revolutionising part inspection with its patented nonlinear resonance technology. Specifically designed for the unique challenges of additive manufacturing, RD1-TT delivers fast, accurate, and cost-effective non-destructive testing, ensuring that your 3D-printed parts meet the highest quality standards. Experience unparalleled precision and reliability in detecting flaws, making RD1-TT the ultimate NDT tool for additive manufacturing.

Innovators in

Non-Destructive Testing Technology

Theta Technologies is at the forefront of innovation. With years of dedicated research and development packaged into our first commercial product, RD1-TT, it’s time you experienced the only practical NDT solution for additive manufacturing at scale.

Our patented nonlinear resonance non-destructive testing technology is pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AM part qualification. The versatility and adoption of 3D printing as a viable manufacturing technology creates unique part inspection challenges that are holding back industry adoption. Our unique solution has been meticulously developed to combat the challenges faced by additive manufacturers and the widespread deployment of AM parts for safety-critical applications.

Providers of the World’s Only

Nonlinear Resonance NDT Solution

The first commercially packaged embodiment of our unique non-destructive testing technology, RD1-TT, fits seamlessly into your existing manufacturing workflow. Now you can experience the power and versatility of nonlinear resonance NDT in your very own production environment to facilitate faster, more regular and cost-effective part inspection.

Educators in

Non-Destructive Testing

We believe that education is the lifeblood of any successful business. Having started our journey as a spinout of Exeter University, education is a fundamental part of our own development. You’ve engineered your parts, you’ve optimised your production process, now let us guide you through the field of part inspection and non-destructive testing.

Theta Technologies' animated wave logo
inside AM

A   P O D C A S T   B Y   T H E T A   T E C H N O L O G I E S

We’ve launched a brand new podcast series designed to delve deep into the world of additive manufacturing by hearing from individuals helping to accelerate its adoption. Explore our available episodes which you can watch or download now.

What is

Non-Destructive Testing?

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a crucial evaluation method used in manufacturing and engineering to assess the integrity and quality of materials, components, or systems without causing any unnecessary damage.

By utilising advanced techniques such as ultrasonic testing, radiography, and our very own nonlinear resonance, NDT enables manufacturers to detect defects, ensure product reliability, and maintain safety standards, especially within high-stakes industries. NDT is widely employed across various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and medical, where the ability to verify the integrity of parts without compromising their functionality is paramount.

Detect Signs of Weakness

NDT allows engineers to detect early signs of weakness or potential failure in material structures and components. This crucial pre-emptive approach ensures that flaw initiation features such as micro-cracks, voids or porosity, are identified before they lead to costly or catastrophic failures, enhancing overall safety and performance.

Test Without Destruction

One of the key advantages of non-destructive testing is its ability to test parts without causing any damage. Unlike destructive testing methods such as tensile stress testing, NDT preserves the integrity of the component, making it possible to inspect critical parts repeatedly throughout their lifecycle without compromising their usability. This also results in less material waste.

Predict Part Operation

NDT not only identifies existing defects but also provides valuable insights into how a part may perform under operational conditions. By analysing the data gathered during testing, manufacturers can predict the lifespan and operational reliability of components, enabling more informed maintenance and production decisions.

Meet The Team

Behind Our Technology

With a wealth of experience in various industries, our team of experts are ideally placed to offer you the most valuable insights into how our innovative non-destructive testing solution can enhance your production of additive manufactured parts for safety-critical applications.

Whether you’re exploring AM for specific applications such as spaceflight or medical devices, eager to learn more about part inspection pitfalls, or you’re interested in adopting a more sustainable approach, there’s something for everyone.



AM, Spaceflight Applications and NDT



NDT for AM Medical Device Applications



Championing Sustainability in AM

Cutting-Edge Testing Technology

For Complex AM Part Qualification

Nonlinear resonance NDT offers additive manufacturers several key advantages over other inspection methods, providing you and your customers with the confidence to embrace more advanced manufacturing techniques for critical applications.

An icon representing faster part inspection

Faster Part Inspection

Nonlinear resonance is the first NDT solution capable of performing whole-body inspection on real parts in under a minute.

An icon representing design freedom

Freedom of Design

Unlock the full potential of additive manufacturing for critical applications with the ability to test complex shapes.

An icon representing return on investment (ROI)

Reduced Cost Per Part

Improve business margins and receive a faster return on your investment with more cost-effective part qualification.

NDT Resources and Articles

AM medical device implants featuring complex geometries

Featured Article

The benefits of using nonlinear resonance NDT for the part qualification of AM medical devices

Additive manufacturing (AM) offers unprecedented opportunities for creating customised medical devices, implants, and prosthetics. However, with this innovation comes the critical challenge of ensuring that these devices meet the strict safety and reliability standards required for medical applications. Explore the future of AM medical device part qualification.

Recent Articles

Resources to help you navigate the world of NDT for additive manufacturing.

We understand the part qualification challenges faced by those embracing additive manufacturing. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with valuable and insightful content to help navigate this increasingly complex landscape.

Explore our latest articles on a range of key industry topics:

An AM aerospace part being subject to a nonlinear resonance NDT test

Topic: AM Flaw Detection

AM flaw types, the consequences of leaving undetected, and the NDT solution you need

Learn about the common flaw types found within additive manufactured components and discover how nonlinear resonance NDT can help identify them before they become an issue.


An AM aerospace part being subject to a nonlinear resonance NDT test

Topic: Additive Manufacturing

How to solve additive manufacturing part qualification challenges with effective NDT

Addressing the unique part inspection challenges of additive manufacturing is continuing to be one of the biggest obstacles preventing its wider adoption. Learn how to solve these challenges.


An AM aerospace part being subject to a nonlinear resonance NDT test

Topic: AM Post-Processing

Reducing the risk of adding value to AM parts at post-processing with immediate inspection

Deploying effective NDT earlier in your manufacturing process is key to reducing unnecessary value being added to defective parts during post-processing. Find out how nonlinear resonance can help.


Talk to

Our Team of

Technical Specialists

Connect with our team of technical experts today and explore how RD1-TT can help revolutionise your additive manufacturing processes.

Theta Technologies Limited



Theta Technologies Limited

3 Babbage Way

Exeter Science Park

Clyst Honiton



United Kingdom


Enquiries: +44(0)1392 247912



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