Our sector expertise
Industry Spotlight
Theta’s solutions offer new levels of performance and sensitivity in the high-value manufacturing and energy sectors.
Industry Spotlight
The increasing demand for additive manufacturing and composite materials in aerospace is driving the need for better and faster NDT solutions. Theta’s NLA methods offer both: gain the capability to see finer crack-like features, such as kissing bonds and delaminations in composites, plus the ability to ‘triage’ metal AM components quickly at several of the various AM stages.
Industry Spotlight
Additive Manufacturing
AM components present a new range of issues in terms of quality assurance. Flaws can manifest due to a lack of powder fusion, thermal stress concentrations, inclusions, delaminations, microcracks or voids.
Nonlinear acoustics can help with many of these problems. You can ‘triage’ metal AM components quickly and thereby avoid the cost of adding value to already-flawed parts.
Industry Spotlight
Power Generation
Recent high-profile failures in nuclear plant production have underlined the need for fast and effective NDT. Radiography does not always provide the necessary results in a timely fashion.
Furthermore, the adoption of composites in the renewable energy sector has brought new NDT challenges in production and condition monitoring, where more sensitive NDT solutions are required to identify delamination and kissing bond flaws.
Theta’s NLA can answer all these requirements and more.
Industry Spotlight
In automotive manufacturing extreme time and cost restraints can be imposed on quality assurance and on the NDT solution.
The rapid go/no-go techniques made possible by Theta’s nonlinear response technologies offers a new level of performance in quality assurance that meets the demands of the automotive sector. The ability rapidly to ‘triage’ out flawed components at various stages on the assembly line avoids wastage and is scalable across the factory.
Industry Spotlight
It is common to use radiography to validate prototypes made using composite additive manufacturing techniques. This can pose a problem when you scale up to production quantities – cost and speed are barriers to scale.
Radiographic techniques, such as X-ray CT, provide excellent learning during the early development of a product when very few items are made and tested. However, the economic and time-delay implications render them unviable for production.
For a more readily realisable solution, Theta’s cost-effective NDT solutions are ideal for mass production. Our triaging technology offers a viable solution for pre-production and in the factory.
Contact Theta
Theta Technologies is currently looking for partners in collaborative projects to validate and develop our technologies. To learn more, please contact our Applications Engineering Team.
Theta Technologies Limited
Theta Technologies Limited
3 Babbage Way
Exeter Science Park
Clyst Honiton
United Kingdom
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