Theta launch new Impulse Hammer at Westminster

Theta Technologies is launching its new “impulse hammer”, which non‐destructively tests for small defects using ultrasonic acoustics. It offers a next‐generation solution to finding faults in materials which will resonate (like engine parts) and in laminated structures (such as helicopter blades).
Theta specialises in using non‐linear acoustics (NLA) for non‐destructive testing (NDT). Theta’s equipment shows when components begin to break down or come apart, before actual cracks or gaps appear. This offers much earlier warning of eventual failure than conventional ultrasonic tests, improving safety and reliability.
Theta is based at the Innovation Centre at Exeter University, where it was established in 2008 to exploit original post‐graduate research. It has grown to seven staff; raised £550,000 in equity investment so far; and last year turned over £245,000. Quote from Iain Fairbairn, managing director, Theta Technologies about SETsquared support: “The main benefits have been the intangibles and, in particular, the freshness of thinking that comes with being at a university rather than being on a conventional business park.”